I did this of an elder neanderthal. Based off of anthropological evidence, these guys lived in closely nit clans, had their own language and the capacity to adapt very well to threats around them. Not only are their cranial capacities larger than ours, they are also believed to have been the first in telling stories to their children, whether it be how to hunt large animals, or to tell fantastic and often exaggerated tales of their adventures.
It's heavily theorized as to how they died out, whether it be their dwindling numbers after the last great Ice Age, their failure to develop large, distant networks of communication with one another, or killed off by their current human brothers. Regardless of what it was, they carried the gift of life with them, protecting it just as their ancestors did before and I like to think we do the same today.
I use this as a reminder that no matter how rough it ever gets for me with life, I look at this and I remember that I have NOTHING to complain about. It's funny, this elder has been through so much in his short existence and yet he still smiles.